DC Plans and Investment Policy Statements


Download PDF Yogi Berra’s wisdom is particularly apt for investment policy statements (IPS): On the one hand, an investment committee that tries to manage its DC plan without an IPS is apt to lose its way. On the other hand, if—like the Yogi Berra quote—an IPS is unclear or confusing, it can also lead to […]

ESG Continues to Climb

Download Survey View Charticle For the fourth straight year, Callan’s survey to assess the status of environ­mental, social, and governance (ESG) factor integration reveals increasing traction among U.S. investors. ESG investing—including responsible and sustainable investment strategies and socially responsible investing—had been adopted more slowly in the U.S. than in other developed markets due to differences […]

Periodic Table of Investment Returns

Callan Periodic Table

One glance at the crazy quilt of colors in the Periodic Table of Investment Returns suggests the challenge investors face in picking an investment class “winner” year-by-year and illustrates the benefit to diversification. Last year offered investors a wild ride, with sentiment overwhelming fundamentals for much of 2016. Bonds rose in value and stocks fell […]

2017 DC Trends Survey

Key Findings Full Survey Our 10th annual Defined Contribution Trends Survey reveals that fees are playing a heightened role in driving plan sponsor decision-making. Reviewing plan fees was cited as a key area of fiduciary focus, both now and for the foreseeable future. Related to this focus on fees are trends including an increase in […]