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The Market Intelligence Report provides detailed insights into search activity and investment trends to help investment managers.
April 29, 2024
1Q24 Market Intelligence Report
Callan Institute
Data Presentation
April 23, 2024
Webinar: 2024 Defined Contribution Trends Survey
Jana Steele Jamie McAllister
The 2024 Asset Manager DEI Study offers a high-level assessment of the degree to which asset management organizations have established diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies and procedures. 
April 23, 2024
2024 Asset Manager DEI Study
Lauren Mathias Michael Joecken Laura Dawson
This survey provides extensive information for DC plan sponsors to use in improving and benchmarking their plans.
April 4, 2024
2024 DC Trends Survey
Jamie McAllister
A monthly update for Callan’s Periodic Table of Investment Returns, covering public equity, fixed income, and real estate
April 3, 2024
March 2024 Monthly Periodic Table of Investment Returns
Jay Kloepfer
Callan Periodic Table
The Style, Trend, Analysis & Research (STAR) report provides in-depth analysis of asset flows across 29 long-only strategies and a discussion of the Alternatives marketplace. The benefit is understanding market effects on investor asset flows.
March 28, 2024
STAR Report Executive Summary: Year-End 2023
Data Presentation
During this interview, Tom Shingler, Callan ESG team member, interviews Chris Fidler, a head in the Codes & Standards team at CFA Institute. Tom and Chris discuss resilience in ESG, practical ways asset owners could implement this type of approach and the benefits to adopting, and challenges to the framework in today's environment from both an investment perspective, and an organizational perspective.
March 15, 2024
Research Cafe: ESG Interview Series
Thomas Shingler
Analysis of the key subsectors within the rental housing sector.
February 27, 2024
1Q24 Real Assets Reporter: Rental Housing Primer
Aaron Quach
Expanding upon our Classic Periodic Table, the Collection offers additional versions focused on equity, fixed income, institutional investors, and alternatives such as real estate, private equity, and hedge funds. Other tables compare the performance of key indices to zero and to inflation.
February 12, 2024
The Callan Periodic Table Collection: Year-End 2023
Jacki Hoagland
Callan Periodic Table
This series of charts compares active managers alongside relevant benchmarks over the long term.
February 9, 2024
Active vs. Passive Report, 4Q23
Ivan "Butch" Cliff
Data Presentation
A quarterly market reference guide covering trends in the U.S. economy, developments for institutional investors, and the latest data for U.S. and global ex-U.S. equities and fixed income, alternatives, and defined contribution plans.
February 8, 2024
Market Pulse, 4Q23
Jacki Hoagland
Data Presentation
The Capital Markets Review provides analysis and a broad overview of the economy and public and private market activity each quarter across a wide range of asset classes.
February 7, 2024
4Q23 Capital Markets Review
This white paper details the process behind creating our 2024-2033 Capital Markets Assumptions and the reasoning behind them.
February 6, 2024
2024-2033 Capital Markets Assumptions
Capital Markets Research
White Paper
This charticle summarizes key figures from Callan's 2024-2033 Capital Markets Assumptions.
February 5, 2024
2024-2033 Capital Markets Assumptions Charticle
January 18, 2024
Webinar: Callan's 2024-2033 Capital Markets Assumptions
Adam Lozinski Jay Kloepfer Kevin Machiz