Changing Horses Midstream: Why We Released Preliminary 2023 CMAs Now


Jay Kloepfer explains why we released the preliminary 2023-2032 Capital Markets Assumptions.

Fed Sends Strong Message, but More Needed

On Sunday, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced several measures intended to provide liquidity and restore confidence in the markets: An emergency rate cut: Fed Funds Rate was cut 100 bps to 0.00% to 0.25%. The Fed is committed to keeping rates at the zero lower bound until “it is confident that the economy has weathered […]

The Outlook From Fixed Income Managers

Microphone in focus against blurred chairs and standing talking audience

View the Outlook Callan conducts a quarterly survey of select fixed income managers to gauge their sentiments about the current market environment and solicit their near-term outlook (6-9 months) on key issues such as Federal Reserve rate hikes, inflation, and other factors that affect bond portfolios. In our most recent survey, for the first quarter […]