Callan’s 2023 Capital Markets Assumptions: A Behind-the-Scenes Look


This blog post details the process and reasoning behind the Callan Capital Markets Assumptions for 2023-2032, and provides detailed information about risk and return for major asset classes.

Hedge Funds and Ukraine: A Guide for Institutional Investors

Digital chart

Joe McGuane analyzes hedge fund performance in 2022 and how managers are handling the volatility stemming from the invasion of Ukraine.

A High-Level Summary of the Callan 2022-2031 Capital Markets Assumptions

This blog post details the process and reasoning behind the Callan Capital Markets Assumptions for 2022-2031, and provides detailed information about risk and return for major asset classes.

Stocks Rebound in 2Q20; Fixed Income Sees More Modest Returns

U.S. stocks posted double-digit returns, with big gains in global ex-U.S. markets. Treasuries were range-bound during the quarter and most fixed income indices posted solid but not spectacular returns

How We Developed Our 2019-2028 Capital Market Projections

Metal telescope on Eiffel Tower, Paris

View PDF Callan develops long-term capital market projections at the start of each year, detailing our expectations for return, volatility, and correlation for broad asset classes. These projections represent our best thinking regarding a longer-term outlook and are critical for strategic planning as our investor clients set investment expectations over five-year, ten-year, and longer time […]

Global Macroeconomic Environment: Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Investors’ appetite for risk, while elevated for much of 2018, evaporated as the year drew to a close and wiped out positive returns for the year across broad asset classes (T-bills being a notable exception). Concerns over tighter monetary policy and the global withdrawal of stimulus measures, unresolved trade disputes, falling oil prices, slower global […]

A Look at the New Communication Services Sector

Magnifying glass on stock market data

The Global Industry Classification Standard will undergo its biggest shift ever when the Telecommunication sector is revamped into a new Communication Services sector at the end of September to better reflect changing communication methods.

Trade Wars and Other Risks to the Global Economy

Zanny Minton Beddoes

Zanny Minton Beddoes, the editor-in-chief of The Economist, highlighted the “extraordinary dichotomy” between the political realm, full of grim news, and the global economy and financial markets, which are remarkably strong. The focus for investors, she said, should be to take a stance on which of those two views is right: Should they believe in the strength of the economy or take a signal from the bad political news?

Global Fixed Income Results 4Q17

View Market Review In the U.S., longer-term bonds topped short-term and intermediate-maturity bonds. Investment-grade corporate debt was the best-performing fixed income sector. Returns were mostly flat in developed markets; emerging market debt delivered more muted returns than in earlier quarters. U.S. Bonds: Strong Fundamentals Tighten Spreads The U.S. yield curve continued its flattening trend in […]

Equity Markets in Sync Around the World

View Market Review A strong quarter closed out a strong year for markets around the world, powered by synchronized global economic growth, a new tax law in the U.S., and low interest rates and inflation. Emerging markets outpaced developed markets for the fourth straight quarter. U.S. Stocks: Accelerating Growth Spurs Equities The U.S. equity market […]