The Magnificent Seven and Large Cap Portfolios: What Institutional Investors Need to Know

What institutional investors need to know about the Magnificent Seven and large cap stock portfolios

Do Active Core Plus Fixed Income Managers Add Value With Sector Rotation?

Vintage glowing light bulb on lamp stand

Kevin Machiz examines the added value of active core plus fixed income managers vs. a DIY portfolio.

Active Share Is Not a Litmus Test

Economic growth

A recent deal between the New York state attorney general’s office and major investment firms highlighted the role of “active share” in evaluating mutual funds or other pooled investment vehicles. While the New York deal, in which 13 firms representing roughly 400-plus funds agreed to publish active share data for their funds, was aimed at […]

Active or Passive? Our Data Can Help

View PDF The debate over active vs. passive management is endless, and it spans many different asset classes and investment styles. And for an issue that seems to involve cold, hard math, the discussion can get subjective and even passionate. Most investment professionals would agree the answer to which is better is not binary—simply yes […]

How Index Changes May Affect Investors


UPDATED: After consulting with index users and other parties, FTSE Russell recently announced that it would exclude some securities issued by companies with unequal voting rights from its indices, following its decision to exclude shares of Snap, the popular social media company that recently went public with zero voting rights stock. S&P Dow Jones also […]