Callan 2024 DC Trends Survey: Focus on Plan Governance, and Continued Efforts to Rein in Fees

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A summary of Callan’s 2024 Defined Contribution Trends Survey.

Callan Survey: Legislation, Regulation, and Litigation Driving Change in DC Plans

Eye microscope in hospital laboratory

The 16th annual DC Survey now covers SECURE 2.0 (pre-passage) and diversity topics, along with the key tenets of DC plan management, governance, and financial wellness

A Year Out of Time: Our Survey Tracks How DC Plans Operated in 2020


The Callan 2021 DC Survey covers the SECURE and CARES Acts, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the key tenets of DC plan management.

DC Trends Survey Highlights Plans’ Focus for 2020

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View PDF Defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors continue to make fees a main priority, according to Callan’s 2020 Defined Contribution Trends Survey, but they are also focused on communicating with participants and plan to highlight the topic of financial wellness in 2020. In addition, the already high share of sponsors acting to prevent plan leakage sharply rose, […]