Callan 2024 DC Trends Survey: Focus on Plan Governance, and Continued Efforts to Rein in Fees

Eye microscope in hospital laboratory

A summary of Callan’s 2024 Defined Contribution Trends Survey.

Key Issues to Know for the Proposed Fiduciary Rule

Jana Steele explains what the new proposed fiduciary rule means for DC plan sponsors.

IRS Delays SECURE 2.0 Roth Catch-ups

Jana Steele explains why the IRS delayed rules for Roth catch-up contributions.

How to Improve DC Plans with DEI

Vintage glowing light bulb on lamp stand

Jana Steele discusses diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and how DC plans can incorporate it.

What DC Plan Sponsors Should Know About Recent Litigation Trends: Part 2


Jana Steele reviews key themes to emerge from our analysis of DC plan litigation from 2019-2022.

What DC Plan Sponsors Should Know About Recent Litigation Trends: Part 1

In the first of two blog posts, Jana Steele provides an overview of DC plan litigation from 2019-2022.

Financial Wellness: Is It the Right Prescription for Your DC Plan?

Jana Steele provides a summary of her recent white paper on financial wellness options for DC plans.

The Supreme Court Weighs in on Northwestern DC Case

Jana Steele explains the implications of the Supreme Court’s Northwestern ruling for DC plan sponsors.

DOL Shifts Tone on Private Equity in DC Plans

Patrick Wisdom analyzes the new DOL guidance on the role of private equity in DC plans.

DOL Updates the Fiduciary Rule (Again)

Jana Steele explains what the latest update to the fiduciary rule means for DC plan sponsors.