Are We Headed for an Economic ‘Rapid Unplanned Disassembly’?

Callan analyst examines the state of the U.S. economy and the prospects for a soft landing.

Higher for Longer? Rates and the Global Economy

Callan expert analyzes the global economy in 1Q24.

The U.S. Economy Is More Surprising by the Quarter

Jay Kloepfer analyzes the U.S. and global economies in 4Q23 and for the full year.

Grim Economic Forecasts Successfully Thwarted

Kristin Bradbury provides an assessment of the global economy in 4Q23.

Stunning Growth in U.S. Economy as Clouds Loom

This blog post analyzes the economy in 3Q23.

The Fed’s Delicate Walk on a Tightrope

Kristin Bradbury discusses the current macroeconomic situation and the outlook as the Fed “walks a tightrope.”

Is Recession Risk Really Off the Table?

Jay Kloepfer analyzes the U.S. economy in 2Q23 and the prospects for a recession.

The Global Economy: Too Good to Be True?

Kristin Bradbury assesses the global economy in 2Q23 and what it might hold for the rest of the year.

Higher Interest Rates Work! That’s Good, Right?!


Jay Kloepfer analyzes the U.S. and global economy in 1Q23 and the outlook for rates, GDP, and inflation.

A Hiccup……or a Belch?

Economic growth

Kristin Bradbury assesses the global economy in 1Q23 and what it might hold for the rest of the year.