Callan 2024 DC Trends Survey: Focus on Plan Governance, and Continued Efforts to Rein in Fees

Eye microscope in hospital laboratory

A summary of Callan’s 2024 Defined Contribution Trends Survey.

IRS Announces Updated Retirement Plan Limits for 2024

Economic growth

Jamie McAllister details the 2024 DC plan limits.

Key Issues to Know for the Proposed Fiduciary Rule

Jana Steele explains what the new proposed fiduciary rule means for DC plan sponsors.

IRS Delays SECURE 2.0 Roth Catch-ups

Jana Steele explains why the IRS delayed rules for Roth catch-up contributions.

Money Market and Stable Value Fund Returns During the Current Rising Rate Environment

Greg Ungerman, Kyle Fekete, and Kevin Machiz assess stable value funds.

How to Improve DC Plans with DEI

Vintage glowing light bulb on lamp stand

Jana Steele discusses diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and how DC plans can incorporate it.

How SECURE 2.0 Affects DC Plans

Jana Steele, Patrick Wisdom, and Greg Ungerman explain the changes to DC plans stemming from SECURE 2.0.

Index Selection Within TDF Benchmarks Can Make a Big Difference


Mark Andersen analyzes how the choice of indices can play a huge role in TDF benchmarks.

Callan Survey Sees First Decline in ESG Incorporation Since 2019

Eye microscope in hospital laboratory

Tom Shingler and Hannah Vieira describe the findings of our 2022 ESG Survey.

Managing Risk While Hunting for Returns


Low interest rates and low return expectations continued to drive strategic allocation discussions for fund sponsors. Many felt compelled to take on market risk to reach return targets. Sponsors are now examining if there is anything they can do to tamp down the risk within their large growth allocation short of actually reducing it. For […]