Sustainable Real Assets Portfolios Enter the Mainstream

City skype

Barbara Bernard discusses five key benchmarks for real assets.

Equity, Fixed Income Indices Fall; Commodities a Rare Bright Spot

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Kristin Bradbury assesses global stock, bond, and real assets markets in 1Q22.

A Bleak Beginning to the Year for the Global Economy

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Kristin Bradbury analyzes the global economy in 1Q22 and the outlook for the year.

SEC Proposes Rule to Enhance and Standardize Climate-Related Disclosures

Wind mill in field

Kristin Bradbury analyzes the SEC’s proposed rule on climate-related disclosures.

Hedge Funds and Ukraine: A Guide for Institutional Investors

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Joe McGuane analyzes hedge fund performance in 2022 and how managers are handling the volatility stemming from the invasion of Ukraine.

A High-Level Summary of the Callan 2022-2031 Capital Markets Assumptions

This blog post details the process and reasoning behind the Callan Capital Markets Assumptions for 2022-2031, and provides detailed information about risk and return for major asset classes.

Capital Markets Assumptions and the Future

CEO and Chief Research Officer Greg Allen and Senior Vice President Julia Moriarty analyze how Callan’s capital markets assumptions have compared to actual returns.

Why It Was a Tough 4Q21 for Large Cap Growth Managers


David Wang analyzes the tough market environment for large cap growth investment managers in 4Q21.

Best Gain Ever for ODCE; REITs Top Stocks

Munir Iman provides an update on real estate performance in 4Q21 and for the full year.

Hedge Funds End Year on a Positive Note

Stock market

Joe McGuane explains what happened with hedge funds and multi-asset class strategies (MACs) in 4Q21 and the impact of the pandemic.