Green Financing in Residential Real Estate

Christine Mays and Aaron Quach explain green financing and how it can help investment managers obtain more favorable financing terms.

Callan Discount Rate Reporter: September 2022


The Corporate DB Plan Focus Group produces a monthly update on the impact of interest rates on corporate defined benefit plans.

Yes, 2022 Was Awful for Public DB Plan Returns. But the Last Decade Has Been Great.

Weston Lewis and Brad Penter analyze 2022 returns for public DB plans and provide historical context.

There Was Really No Place to Hide in World Markets

Kristin Bradbury analyzes global equities, fixed income, and real assets markets in 3Q22, where there really was no place to hide.

Global Challenges Wreak Havoc on Economies

Stock market

Kristin Bradbury examines the issues facing the global economy in 3Q22 and what they mean for investors.

PCE and CPI: What’s the Difference?

Magnifying glass on stock market data

Fanglue Zhou explains how CPI and PCE differ and why the Fed prefers the PCE.

Changing Horses Midstream: Why We Released Preliminary 2023 CMAs Now


Jay Kloepfer explains why we released the preliminary 2023-2032 Capital Markets Assumptions.

Private Real Estate Strong; REITs Lag Equities

Private real estate performed well in 2Q22 while REITs lagged equities. Real assets saw widespread drops.

Tough Environment Leads to Losses for Hedge Fund Managers

Stock market

Joe McGuane analyzes hedge fund and MAC performance in 2Q22.

Private Equity Shows Persistence Amid Volatile Markets

Green computer code on dark surface

Gary Robertson provides an analysis of private equity activity in 2Q22, from fundraising to exits to returns.