Callan’s 2023 Capital Markets Assumptions: A Behind-the-Scenes Look


This blog post details the process and reasoning behind the Callan Capital Markets Assumptions for 2023-2032, and provides detailed information about risk and return for major asset classes.

Can Institutional Investors Target ‘Food Deserts’ for Investment?

Vintage glowing light bulb on lamp stand

Aaron Quach describes food deserts and explains if and how they can be added to institutional portfolios.

Our Capital Markets Assumptions: How’d We Do?

Dart arrow hitting in the target center of dartboard

Greg Allen and Julia Moriarty examine how Callan’s Capital Markets Assumptions compared to actual returns over time.

Risky Business Update: After a Historic Year, What’s Changed?


Julia Moriarty provides an update to our famous “Risky Business” pie charts using our latest Capital Markets Assumptions.

Is a Recession Inevitable in 2023?


Jay Kloepfer analyzes the U.S. economy in 2022 and the outlook for inflation, GDP, and interest rates in 2023.

Energy Transition Is Having a Moment, but Does It Have Staying Power?

Vintage glowing light bulb on lamp stand

Jan Mende describes energy-transition investments and how they can be incorporated into the portfolios of institutional investors.

Year Ends on a High Note for Hedge Fund Managers After Tough Start

Economic growth

Joe McGuane analyzes hedge fund and MAC performance in 4Q22 and for the full year 2022, a challenging environment for managers.

Private Equity Decelerated in 2022, with the Outlook for 2023 Very Unclear

Closeup computer monitor with trading software

The Alternatives Consulting Group provides an overview of private equity activity in 4Q22 and for the full year.

Investor Appetite for Private Credit Continues, but Strategies of Interest Shift

Green computer code on dark surface

Catherine Beard assesses private credit performance in 4Q22 and for 2022 as investor appetite for the asset class continues.

NCREIF Property Index Falls 3.5% and REITs Lag Equities

Kristin Bradbury, Munir Iman, and Aaron Quach analyze real estate and real assets activity in 4Q22.