Enhance Your DC Plan with a “Mega Roth”


Plan sponsors who want to allow participants to contribute more Roth monies to a defined contribution (DC) plan than the standard limits have an option: The “Mega Roth,” an in-plan Roth conversion of after-tax contributions in the same year they are made to the DC plan. These contributions work like this: Participants defer up to […]

Managing Your NQDC Investment Menu


View PDF In an article for the latest edition of our DC Observer, I discussed non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plans, the investment menu structure, and hedging strategies. Unlike a qualified defined contribution plan, in which plan assets are segregated from the employer’s general assets in a trust or custodial account, the compensation deferred into an NQDC plan […]

Technology Challenges in Volatile Markets


During the recent market volatility, some larger defined contribution (DC) plan vendors experienced difficulty managing peak participant online access or transactional capabilities with their participant websites and/or trading platforms. Plan sponsors would benefit from reviewing their vendor’s technology to confirm it is adequate to support the plan and participants. .

Managing DC Plan Vendors

View PDF For defined contribution (DC) plans, managing recordkeepers can be daunting. In the latest edition of the DC Observer, Callan’s Jamie McAllister and Jana Steele outline ways to make this vital oversight process easier. One of the best ways to help monitor recordkeepers is by conducting periodic searches, which give plan sponsors the chance […]