Private Equity Goes on a Roller-Coaster Ride

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A rough averaging across fundraising and private investment and exit volumes indicates a drop of only 20% for private equity activity in 2020 from 2019.

Risky Business Update: Investors Face Additional Challenges amid Increased Uncertainty

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An update to our original research on how much risk investors need to take to achieve targeted returns over time.

The Kids Are Alright


Private equity is doing quite well given the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Private Equity Playbook: Playing Offense

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Investors should maintain strong oversight of the in-place private equity program, particularly after periods of disruption

Private Equity Metrics Fell, but the Dollars Kept Flowing

Fundraising and private M&A exits plunged by count—but dollar volumes held relatively steady as larger transactions were able to proceed

DOL Issues Common-Sense Information Letter About Private Equity in DC Plans


In an information letter released in June, the Department of Labor said that defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors considering the inclusion of private equity in their plans (in a multi-asset framework) must adhere to the same standards and weigh the same considerations as they would for other asset classes. Namely, plan fiduciaries “have duties to […]

Pandemic Puts a Pause on Private Equity

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Most private equity activity slowed down during the first quarter as the full impact of the pandemic unfolded. Fundraising is expected to continue to slow in future quarters.

Record Year for Fundraising but Private Equity Exits Slow Down

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View PDF This blog post from Callan’s Private Equity Consulting Group provides a high-level summary of private equity activity through all the investment stages, from fundraising to exits, as well as performance data across a range of market cycles. (Investment-stage data provided by PitchBook; performance data from Refinitiv/Cambridge.) Fundraising: Onward and Upward Private equity global […]

Behind Our 2020-2029 Capital Market Assumptions


Callan develops long-term capital market assumptions at the start of each year, detailing our expectations for return, volatility, and correlation for broad asset classes. These projections represent our best thinking regarding a longer-term outlook and are critical for strategic planning as our investor clients set investment expectations over five-year, ten-year, and longer time horizons. Our […]

Long-Dated Private Equity Funds: Key Considerations for Investors


View Ashley’s Paper Private equity funds typically have a 10-year life, with the option for several one-year extensions. In a new development, GPs have started introducing what are known as long-dated private equity funds, with terms of 15 years or more (some even have no fixed term). In my recent white paper, “Long-Dated Private Equity […]