Trigger Funds: Here’s What You Need to Know

Magnifying glass on stock market data

Trigger funds are a drawdown private credit fund structure designed to help an institutional investor deploy capital in a timely fashion in distressed debt strategies, for which it is difficult to time the cycle, and in which an event can quickly yield an investment opportunity. The “trigger” is designed to generate a drawdown of investable […]

Long-Dated Private Equity Funds: Key Considerations for Investors


View Ashley’s Paper Private equity funds typically have a 10-year life, with the option for several one-year extensions. In a new development, GPs have started introducing what are known as long-dated private equity funds, with terms of 15 years or more (some even have no fixed term). In my recent white paper, “Long-Dated Private Equity […]

How to Distinguish Between Growth Equity and Late-Stage Venture Capital


Read Ashley’s Paper Fund sponsors should understand the characteristics of the assets in which they are invested, or are evaluating as possible investments. This better positions them to make informed judgments about their long-term strategies and the construction of their portfolios. This tenet is especially relevant for investors in private equity given the wide dispersion […]

A Tool to Stay on Top of Private Equity Fundraising


Because general partners only raise funds every three to four years, it is essential for institutional investors to stay ahead of private equity fundraising activity. Especially with the accelerated pace of fundraising in today’s market environment, it is easy to overlook a potential investment opportunity. To manage this process more effectively, Callan has developed what […]