Vexing Volatility


Market volatility spiked in February, coinciding with declines for broad equity and fixed income indices. Callan surveyed leading multi-asset class (MAC) strategy providers to understand how the products reacted in this newly volatile environment.

Perspectives on the Global Economy


The recent Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group, which I attended along with thousands of global fixed income investors, policymakers from governments issuing debt, economists, and other market participants, offered a wealth of insight and analysis for institutional investors on the global financial picture. In its World Economic Outlook report, […]

How DTS Helps Us Evaluate Bonds

Magnifying glass

View Our Paper Evaluating bonds and fixed income portfolios can be complex and challenging, and to help make that process easier I developed a way for Callan to use a metric developed by practitioners called DTS, or duration times spread, which measures systematic exposure to credit risk. DTS is similar to equity beta, which measures […]