How ESG-Minded Investors Can Help Address the Affordable Housing Crisis

Institutional investors with a focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing can help address the housing crisis through investment opportunities in both the public and private markets…

How Investors Can Address Climate Risk in Real Estate

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Climate change has led to an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as hurricanes and wildfires, and these catastrophes are expected to impact the world for years to come. Climate risk, which refers to the hazards associated with climate change, can significantly threaten real estate portfolios, as it disproportionately affects […]

‘Social Washing’ and How COVID-19 Has Emphasized the ‘S’ in ESG

Wind mill in field

While ESG-savvy investors are most likely familiar with “greenwashing,” which refers to the misrepresentation of environmental impact, the term “social washing” has gained new prominence as the investment community evaluates corporations’ responses to the sudden challenges presented by the coronavirus. Social washing refers to statements or policies that make a company appear more socially responsible […]