IRS Announces Updated Retirement Plan Limits for 2021

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The IRS announced the updated retirement plan limits for 2021.

DC Trends Survey Highlights Plans’ Focus for 2020

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View PDF Defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors continue to make fees a main priority, according to Callan’s 2020 Defined Contribution Trends Survey, but they are also focused on communicating with participants and plan to highlight the topic of financial wellness in 2020. In addition, the already high share of sponsors acting to prevent plan leakage sharply rose, […]

The Impact of Vendor Consolidation: Wells Fargo and Principal


After much industry speculation, Principal Financial Group is acquiring Wells Fargo’s Institutional Retirement and Trust (IRT) business for $1.2 billion.

2019 DC Trends Survey

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Defined contribution plan sponsors are continuing their intense scrutiny of fees, according to Callan’s 2019 DC Trends Survey, while also adding participant communication and financial wellness as top priorities for this year

Managing DC Plan Vendors

View PDF For defined contribution (DC) plans, managing recordkeepers can be daunting. In the latest edition of the DC Observer, Callan’s Jamie McAllister and Jana Steele outline ways to make this vital oversight process easier. One of the best ways to help monitor recordkeepers is by conducting periodic searches, which give plan sponsors the chance […]

2017 DC Trends Survey

Key Findings Full Survey Our 10th annual Defined Contribution Trends Survey reveals that fees are playing a heightened role in driving plan sponsor decision-making. Reviewing plan fees was cited as a key area of fiduciary focus, both now and for the foreseeable future. Related to this focus on fees are trends including an increase in […]